procedure last; begin beep; end; procedure derivatives; begin dyda[1]:=0; end; procedure first; begin global:=1*π*a[1]^0.42; end; function check; begin check:=OK; if (pNumber=1) and (a[1]<0) then check:=BAD; end; procedure initialize; begin global:=0; end; if a[1]>0 then begin statements; end else begin statements; end; if x>0 then begin statements; end; while ilimit; var globalVar: extended; myArray: array [1..3] of extended; const c=2.99792458e8; mu0=1.256637061435917295e-6; eps0=8.854187817e-12; G=6.67259e-11; h=6.6260755e-34; hbar=1.05457266e-34; e=1.60217733e-19; me=9.1093897e-31; k=1.380658e-23; defaults a[1]:=1.0, active, 'var1',0,inf; parameters 3; description 'text1', 'text2'; function myfunc (ex1,ex2: extended): extended; begin myfunc:=sin(ex1) + ex2; end; procedure myproc (i:integer; k: extended); begin data[1,i]:=abs(k); end; program name; const col1=1; col2=2; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to nrRows do if dataok(i,col1) then begin data[i,col2]:=sqr(data[i,col1]) +1; end; end; function name; begin y:= a[1]*sin(x) + a[2]*x; end; setFunctionParam('',paramNum, pVal); data[i,1]:=pVal; data[i,2]:=myfunc(x); pVal:=pVal+step; end; setFunctionParam('',paramNum, oldpVal); end; function myfunc (ex1: extended):extended; begin myfunc:=callfunction('',ex1); end; begin input('tabulate which parameter?',paramNum,step,x); pVal:=getFunctionParam('',paramNum); oldpVal:=pVal; for i:=1 to tableLength do begin program makeTable; const tableLength=10; var paramNum,i:integer; x,pVal, oldpVal:extended; step:extended; procedure initialize; begin paramNum:=1; x:=pi; step:=pi/10; end; ex2:= a[1] * ex1; end; procedure derivatives; begin dyda[1]:= sqrx*ex1; dyda[2]:= -x/sqr(a[2]); end; procedure last; begin beep; firsttime:=true; end; begin sqrx:=sqr(x); y:= sqrx*ex2 + x/a[2]; end; procedure initialize; begin firsttime:=true; end; function check; begin check:=OK; if (pNumber=2) and (a[2]=0) then check:=BAD; end; procedure first; begin if firsttime then begin firsttime:=false; ex1:=data[1,1]/c; end; function sampleFunc; description 'Some words about', 'the function'; parameters 2; defaults a[1]:=0,active,'delta',-1,1; a[2]:=3,inactive,'beta',-inf,inf; const c=2.99792458e8; var firsttime: boolean; ex1,ex2,sqrx: extended;